Young men and the search for genuine masculinity


“In God’s economy, men are neither disposable accessories nor bronze-age perverts. Instead, it calls me up from foolishness into a rich life of hard work, faithfulness, and self-sacrifice.” - Dan Darling


Defining Gender for Ourselves and Our Kids


“Whether we’re having conversations about gender with our colleagues or our kids, we need a better answer than anatomical differences and temporary job descriptions.” - TGC


Women and Head Coverings: Explaining and Applying 1 Corinthians 11:2–16


“this passage still universally applies in at least three ways: 1. Dress in culturally appropriate ways when the church gathers to worship…. 2. Recognize that God has designed men and women to relate to each other in different ways….3. Show that God’s design for husbands and wives is beautiful.” - Andy Naselli
