We desperately need the fearful and fascinating


“When God is rejected or considered irrelevant there is nothing the heart of man won’t use to try and fill that sense of emptiness. This doesn’t have to be in ways as sensational as mansions or sex or hedge funds; think of the deification of the environment or ‘science,’ or the endless advertising for the latest gadget or the perfect diet, or…” - Acton


“Technoshamanism”: Why a Post-christian Future Is Still Religious


“Visitors are welcomed by quotations from French artist Lucile Olympe Haut’s ‘Cyberwitches Manifesto,’ which urges readers to, among other things, ‘use smartphones and tarot cards to connect to spirits’ and ‘manufacture D.I.Y. devices to listen to invisible worlds.’” - Breakpoint


The Sunday Assembly nonbelievers hope to organize a godless future.


“Phelps is a board member of the Nashville Sunday Assembly, a congregation of nonbelievers that has faith in the power of community. The group gathers monthly to sing together, give testimonies and even hear a secular version of a sermon.” - RNS


Tarot booms as Generation Z sorts out spiritual path


“…when she was 16, said Cargle, ‘I got comfortable with myself, Catholicism and spirituality. … I was no longer afraid to touch a tarot deck.’ Cargle, who now identifies as spiritual but not religious, sees tarot as a tool.” - RNS
