Financial Advice from a Dead Guy


“In recent months, I’ve written about marriage and parenting advice “from a dead guy” (i.e., John Chrysostom, c. 347–407). In this post, I’m going to note a few comments about wealth and poverty from this same church father.” - John Aloisi


Review: Money, Debt, and Finances


“Any Christian book on this subject faces a challenge: it must deal with both timeless principles and contemporary applications—issues that transcend time and context and those that are inexorably bound to a particular time and a particular context. Money, Debt, and Finances strikes just the right balance.” - Challies


Why We Kissed Date Night Goodbye


“There’s no magic formula that instantly adds intimacy to your relationship. If there was one, it’s definitely not going to be found by eating expensive cheesecake, no matter how delicious.” - Bible Gateway


Pay Yourself Second


“I believe that the Christian version of ‘Pay Yourself First’ is ‘Pay Yourself Second.’ What this means is that, after you give to God, the very next thing you should do with your money is to use it to prepare for your own financial future.” Broke Pastor
