On January 6, Two Parties but Many Sides


“In this new election year, there will be a pitched battle between Republicans and Democrats. But there will also be one among Republicans and Democrats. Which Republicans will refuse to condemn their friends and defy the mob? Which Democrats will reject partisianship and stick up for principled Republicans who are defending the rule of law?” - The Dispatch


Derek Chauvin guilty, but riots will hurt Minneapolis for generations


“The pre-Chauvin trial/Daunte Wright riots threaten justice longer-term, as well: They discourage anyone from joining the police force. Some 200 officers have quit the Minneapolis Police Department or taken extended leave due to last year’s BLM riots.


We Must Choose Sides Between Chaos and Police


“What that says is there’s no longer any middle ground. The contrasts are too stark. We can side with a working mother, someone’s daughter and neighbor, who is willing to risk her life for her community and her partner. Or we can side with those who laugh at her being shot and choking on her own blood, her only sin being the badge she wears.” - TAC


What to Do in Dangerous Times


“In the words of Condoleezza Rice, how do we heal these wounds and move our country forward? Only by the grace of God, my friends, only by the grace of God. And by God’s grace, we can be wise men and wise women who ‘turn away wrath.’ How do we turn away wrath?” - P&D


We Digitized the Mob, and There's No Place to Hide


“It is easy to understand why someone surrounded by the mob surrenders to its power, but those corporate boardrooms are far from the fray and well-protected…. So why have they turned their backs on law and order and embraced the mob?


6 ways looting hurts the poor


“Looting and riots are sometimes presented as “a lashing-out against capitalism,” or even a form of reparations. But here are 6 ways looting most harms the poorest people.” - Acton


“...we must examine how anarchy is lying in wait to feed on our constitutional rights, and on our naiveté about our own vulnerability.”


“In an earlier blog I emphasized the importance of moral clarity for an effective protest. The case of George Floyd dripped with moral clarity — so much so that 78% of the country agreed that Derek Chauvin … should have been arrested immediately. However, such a national consensus and borderline unity was intolerable for the anarchists. It was necessary for them to muddy the moral waters to accomplish their objectives.


Understanding Antifa


“The anarchism of Antifa embodies the revolutionary outlook, common in the West since the 18th century, that reviles traditional institutions, that seeks to undermine authority through random violence and that assumes any violent spark that creates a popular uprising will usher in a utopian world of equality and justice.” - L&L
