Is J.D. Vance the Religious Populist We’ve Been Searching For?


“Vance is right to be worried about the decline of Christianity in America and the rise of “the nones,”…. He is right to worry about the elites who promise us heaven on earth….But can we win culture wars through politics? If we could, should we?” - Acton


Gallup: How Religious Are Americans?


“According to an average of all 2023 Gallup polling, about three in four Americans said they identify with a specific religious faith…. 68%, identify with a Christian religion, including 33% who are Protestant….Twenty-two percent of Americans said they have no religious preference” - Gallup


Book Review: Why Aren’t Americans Having Children?


“Ultimately, Carney concludes, our society does not have enough children because it does not believe that having children is good—because, in turn, it does not believe that people are good. We have lost our connection with the fundamental principle that life, and thus the creation of more life, is of positive moral and emotional value.” - Current
