Are Some Kinds of Instrumental Music Objectively Better Than Others?

Are some kinds (or styles or genres, etc.) of instrumental music *objectively* (i.e., not just because you prefer them) better than others?

If so, what makes them better and how do you support your view that they are better than others?


How Old Can a Chorus Be and Still Be Called "Contemporary?"

Aged baby boomers introduce choruses from the 1990’s as contemporary choruses. Are they right? The term is quite relative. Compared to the hymns of Isaac Watts, for example, they are contemporary. But only relatively so, IMO.

Others use the term as a code word for “rock” or “light rock,” which, at one time, was a taboo word in much of the evangelical world at large (esp. Baptists).

So when you hear the term, how do you interpret it?

Your comments make polls more interesting, so please feel free to opine.
