"The average salary for a lead pastor in a megachurch is $147,000"

I believe every ministry that receives support should accurately report the entire salary package of the Pastors and other staff members. I believe that members are wrong for not insisting this in their churches. God’s people can not follow the Biblical mandate of caring for their shepherds without knowing these details.

In some of these ministries, you have the $99,000 salaries, plus the $100,000-plus housing allowances, plus the supply of the ministry vehicles, including the lease and use of the private jet. On top of this, some of these churches allow entertainment allowances and all kinds of other allowances which bring the total salary packages to amounts of a half million dollars and more.

I believe a local congregation has the right to choose what they will pay their ministers and staff, but I also believe a lot of suspicion is raised when it is not reported.