Piper on "Baptism ... now saves you" (1 Peter 3:21-22)

When I was still in high school, my Dad and I went deer hunting. On the first day of Buck Season, I had my sights on a deer with no antlers, no matter how hard I tried, I could not put “horns” on that doe. I found this confusing - even when trying to listen, while thinking, John Piper did not say that baptism is necessary for salvation. If this recording is authentic, then it is an eye opener.

Bob Rogish

Bob, what was confusing?

And what do you mean by “eye-opener”? Is there something in his exposition that you found especially revealing?

Dan, I’ve read some of J. Piper’s books and the flow of information and application seems so logical and it was quite easy to follow. John’s teaching in this clip seems so “out of joint” to me that it took a good deal of labor to “flesh out” just where he was going. The eye-opener part is it seems he is stating that baptism is indeed necessary for salvation. I’ll admit, my take on this may be woefully inadequate; and John didn’t send this to me for opinion and anyalsis. Can you see any gap in my conclusion, if so, I’d be very happy for you to point that out to me.

Bob Rogish