Vice president pledges to end taxpayer-funded abortion

Pence has his work cut out for him. From Planned Parenthood subsidies that keep abortionists from going broke to the contraceptive mandate that also provides IUDs and Plan B “contraception”**, the tentacles of the abortionists go deeply and widely into the government, and eight years of Obama appointees on the courts make it immeasurably more difficult to say “Planned Parenthood need not apply” or “providers with more than 2% of their revenues from abortion need not apply.”

I’m with him, but it’s a big task.

** IUDs and Plan B are said to work as abortifacients because they—mechanically and chemically/hormonally—interfere with the implantation of an embryo to the uterine wall. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists contests this, but midway down the first page of their own document, they define a contraceptive not as something fertilization or implantation. In other words, they admit precisely what pro-life activists would claim; that IUDs and Plan B can act as abortifacients by preventing implantation, and that they’ve (as an organization) pulled a fast one by redefining the terms. Here’s the NIH on the dispute.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.