Rich Men North of Richmond: The Trouble with Outrage Anthems

“…the view that your choices have a real impact on your life, tends to predict socioeconomic success. The opposite is also true: When someone views themselves as mainly a victim of things beyond their control, it often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.” - Breakpoint


This reminds me of the study where they used makeup to make it look like people had scars on their faces and then sent them into an interview. Just before the interview, they "touched up" the scars, and actually removed them. Thus the participants thought they were going into the interview with scars on their face. After the interview, the participants were asked about the experience and expressed how they felt discriminated against based on their appearance. What they did not realize was that they had no scars on their face for the interview. They just thought they did.

Years ago a white friend posted online about how her black brother could expect to face discrimination and failure because of his skin color. He was just a toddler at the time. I was so sad that she was setting him up to expect failure. I would not have had a problem if she warned people not to discriminate, but to tell your brother that he should expect to fail because of his skin color is another thing.

We complain about critical race theory, but this is just the flipside. View society through the lens of oppressed (working men without a job) and the oppressed (politicians in Washington).