Former coach of the year fired from Christian school for out-of-wedlock pregnancy

In an incredibly bizarre situation that appears headed for a legal challenge, a Dallas-area volleyball coach and science teacher was fired by the Christian school at which she worked for becoming pregnant before being married.
What’s incredibly bizarre is that this is a news story at all. The article is written as if this is a shock to the teacher and everyone covering the story. How sadly deplorable the state of our society. I’m reminded of one of the prophets (can’t remember where right now) describing a time when up would be called down, black would be called white, and sin would be called righteousness. Seems America is there today.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

“I looked it up and thought, ‘They can’t do this,’” the 29-year-old Samford told WFAA. “We all have different views and interpretations.”
What is bizarre as well is that this woman thought/thinks that this is some minor matter that Scripture is unclear about.