On Stillness, Part 5: In Your Heart


“…thinking deeply on God’s Word is easier to accomplish if you have it in your head—and your heart. The obvious way to accomplish that is by memorizing it.” - Olinger


11 Reasons Your Congregation Should Memorize Scripture Together


“During my current interim pastorate, I’ve challenged the church to memorize Scripture together. It has been such a fun experience that I wish I had done that during my 14 years of full-time pastoral ministry. Now more than ever, I see value in this approach to corporate memorization” - Chuck Lawless


Ministry Ideas that Work: Bible Memory Based Camp Scholarships


“About 20 years ago David Rowley, a church member who had been helping in the youth group, came to our youth pastor with a proposal. He promised to personally pay for camp for any young person who memorized the book of James. The memorization had to happen according to his very specific set of rules.


Memorizing the Word in 2016

The church leadership at Highland Park Church recently agreed to launch a congregation-wide Scripture memory plan. What follows is part of pastor Ed Vasicek’s commuication to the congregation, describing the plan and its purpose. Perhaps it may stimulate ideas for church-wide Scripture memory efforts in other churches as well. – Editor.
