Greg Easton's humorous take on Self-identity

Mr. Easton is a confusing gentleman—anyone know much about him? He seems to be a BJU grad who appreciates his education, retains faith, but rejects a lot of the rules that BJU had at the time—some of them for very good reason. Is that about right?

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

[Bert Perry]

Mr. Easton is a confusing gentleman—anyone know much about him? He seems to be a BJU grad who appreciates his education, retains faith, but rejects a lot of the rules that BJU had at the time—some of them for very good reason. Is that about right?

BJU grad … not a disaffected but freely shares stories about his time there. Is a S/I member but don’t see him here much. Lovely wife. Son who serves in the military.

Greg made my avatar that I use on S/I