Babylonbee launches (think Christian "Onion")

That the youtube video on the trinity is outright funny!

Thanks to those who love us enough to tell a good joke. I’m going to be watching out for that sniper this Sunday! (now if I not only raise my hands, but dance in a serpentine fashion, is he more likely to miss me?)

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

Ron, I am glad you understand why satire is hard to tell sometimes from reality. The things various stripes of Christians have said and done could easily be mistaken from satire, I am not anti-satire, and I do especially appreciate the Lutheran satire video clips because they actually TEACH something, not just whine. But for comedy, I prefer the 3 Stooges, the Marx Brothers, and the great Jack Benny! :)

"The Midrash Detective"

And this always makes me laugh. (I just can’t get beyond “carry the TV” although I did a “touchdown” once at T4G but I repented.)

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan